


Do You REALLY Want that Listing?
Length: 2-3 hours
Working with sellers in a changing market can be a real challenge! They think they are ‘unique, special, and not affected by the current state of affairs’. You’ve met them! Try as you might to explain the situation, they insist that the market will bear their price. Even in the hotter markets, the sellers are still not realistic. So how long are you going to be a victim of the seller? You have more to give than an over priced listing so it’s time to step up to the plate, take a firm stance and list only the properties that will do what you tell them to do! It’s really not so hard….it’s all on how it’s presented!

Is It Really a Buyers’ Market?
Length: 2-3 hours
Take a walk through the Internet. Pick any city and go searching for a house. While many say it is a Buyer’s Market, that should mean there is a lot of properties to choose from. Well guess what? The sellers aren’t giving up so fast! The buyer who thinks they will get all closing costs paid, a price reduction of 20%, and need to see every house that is on the market is NOT your buyer! They are your lookey-lulus….but not your Buyer! So let’s look at the market and educate the buyers on what they can really expect in your marketplace. If they aren’t realistic, they’ve been looking for years for that perfect deal, or if they are causing you to develop migraines….they are NOT your Buyer! Come enjoy a fun packed course on the delicate issue of ‘buyer education’.

You Only Have 3 Seconds to Make a First Impression: How are you doing?
Length: 1.5 - 3 hours…great convention program
You only have 3 seconds to make a first impression: Did you know that over 50% of the complaints filed by Sellers and Buyers against their agents claim ‘rudeness’ as the cause. Your dress, your manners, your responsiveness, and your general service standards will affect the total transaction results. It’s time to “polish” your professionalism…come see how!
Negotiating with Multi-Cultural Clients
Length: 3 hours
Not all nationalities negotiate the same. With so many new multi-cultural buyers purchasing homes today the real estate professional needs to understand how best work within the culture of the client. Some cultures NEED to negotiate...some cultures don't believe in saying "no" so the agent may never really know what the client is thinking.

This course is based on the book, "Opening Doors" by Michael Lee.

Introduction to Commercial Real Estate
Length: 6 hours
The goal of this introductory course to commercial real estate is to provide a brief overview of the different product types, services and levels of participation available in commercial real estate. In commercial real estate, you can either focus on the “User” properties or the “Investor” properties. It is critical to learn the difference and in the larger market places to understand that perhaps you need to specialize in one or the other. Which brings us the idea of “strategizing for participation.” In other words, on what are you going to concentrate your efforts. Once you have decided on your preferences, then it is time to implement the plan and go on to take the CCIM series of courses to make sure that you have a complete understanding of the commercial property opportunities.

1031 Exchange: A Vehicle for Wealth Building
Length: 3 hours
The person who figures out who needs to ‘sell’ the property they own and acquire a different property in order to create a better wealth position will succeed in real estate. There are countless examples of where an investor has owned a property for a long time, and if sold will pay tremendous capital gain taxes. You need to know who those people are and serve their investment needs!

Real Estate Investment Strategies 
Length: 6 hours
Well the stock market is causing many people to again think – real estate is the wise investment. The opportunities to ‘buy low and possibly sell high’ in the years to come are back at our doorstep! The agent who understands the markets and can make sure their client can benefit from them is in a unique position today. Actually, the agent who can figure this out for themselves and take advantage of their knowledge is in a Great position today. This introduction to the CRS 204 course “Creating Wealth through Real Estate Investments” is a great course especially for newer agents. Some of the great strategies shared by savvy investors are shared.



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