


10 Ways to Accept Change
Change is everywhere today. It could be state law change, A Code of Ethics change, or even a change in the way you do your adding technology!! Change comes with much difficulty. These 10 steps will help the audience learn how to adjust to the changes before them. Step 1: Adults in any problematic situation have 4 choices: accept, alter, avoid, or exit! Hire me to give this'll get the other 9 steps!

Where Have All the Good Times Gone?
A humorous look at the changes in the real estate business over the last 25 years and more. A reminiscent journey showing how to take the changes and create opportunities.

Are We Teaching the Right Stuff?
The consumers, real estate commissions, and REALTOR organizations alike agree that the industry is experiencing an era of "rudeness". The agents might know the law, disclosures, and how to write the offer.but why don't they know who to "treat" their clients, fellow agents, and vendors! If the statistics show that severe license law violations are only 15% of the majority of the complaints, over 50% are complaints about manners. Where is business etiquette in the pre license or post license course work? If we're supposed to be protecting the consumer.we need to evaluate: Are we teaching the right stuff?

On a Scale of 1-10 Where Does Your Personal Life Fit In?
The consumers, real estate commissions, and REALTOR organizations alike agree that the industry is experiencing an era of “rudeness”. The agents might know the law, disclosures, and how to write the offer…but why don’t they know who to “treat” their clients, fellow agents, and vendors! If the statistics show that severe license law violations are only 15% of the majority of the complaints, over 50% are complaints about manners. Where is business etiquette in the pre license or post license course work? If we’re supposed to be protecting the consumer…we need to evaluate: Are we teaching the right stuff?

A Case of Misoneism
Misoneism Is a word coined by Tom Peters in the book In the Pursuit of Wow. Laws change, traditions change, MLS, communications methods, everything surrounding our world is changing. How will you survive the change? A 10 step method to accepting change will be introduced.

Legislation and Regulations - Who Needs Them?
Ever wonder what would happen if there were no regulations in the real estate industry - or if at least they would have stayed the same as "when I got into the business"? A spoof on the rules with a humorous look at the laws/rules and those who makes them!! This course is designed for the benefit of the "consumer" in the transaction and how they are implemented by the appropriate bodies. A guaranteed fun program.

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